Quoting Rodney Hopkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> It now works great for me on i386.  And I used it pretty extensively.  
> I started playing about 4pm yesterday, took about an hour break from 
> 6pm to 7pm to eat and then started playing again, and next thing I 
> knew, it was 4:30am!!!  Good thing it was a weekend! 

I've been playing it a lot over the weekend and I've seen no stability
issues. I've not done any testing of network play other than joining a
game and doing a bit of spectating. My experience with previous versions
of openttd is that it works well, though.

> My only comments are these:  One, sound works fine, although there is 
> a bit of a delay between when a sound event happens on-screen and when 
> it actually plays.  Two, I couldn't get the music to work.  I really 
> miss it.  Perhaps OpenTTD doesn't use the proper midi music device on 
> OpenBSD.  Or it could be a problem with my rig.  I'm running a 
> SoundBlaster Live Value.  I've included a dmesg just for reference.  

I'm getting delayed sound as well (like 0.5 seconds), but I've got no
idea why. The annoyance factor is so small that it goes away after two

Music worked in the previous version, but one needed to copy gm_tt??.gm
to ${LOCALBASE}/share/openttd/gm/, and you needed to tweak your
~/.openttd/openttd.cfg like this:

        extmidi = midiplay

Alternatively one could install timidity, but I don't want to make that a
dependency -- especially because it segfaulted when I tried it.

Finally, you must enable music playing when starting the game:

        $ openttd -m extmidi

Nostalgia is imminent. (:

I've added a patch to use the in-tree midiplay(1) by default. It works,
but it doesn't sound very well on my laptop, so I won't patch the game
to enable music by default.

> Finally, the game is a little slower and less responsive than it is 
> running natively.  Not that this is completely unexpected, of course.  
> I believe minimum recommended specs for OpenTTD are 500 MHz PIII with 
> 256M of RAM.  I'm running this on a PIII 1.0GHz, with 512M of RAM and 
> it's still a little slow here and there.  Clicks seem to take a while 
> to register and are very Back in the day, I ran this game perfectly 
> well in DOS on a 100MHz Pentium with 48M of RAM!  I'm not complaining, 
> mind you, just mentioning it for others reference.

I'm not seeing delays in mouse clicks on my 600MHz PIII, but it does
seem a bit sluggish when moving around on the map and you've got lots of
planes etc. It's far from unplayable though, even on my slow (by today's
standards, at least) hardware.

I've attached an updated version of the port that includes the patches
from Jacob Meuser.

Winter meant the coming of the lazy wind, which couldn't be bothered to
blow around people and blew right through them instead.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)

Attachment: openttd.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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