> P.S. Good time to re-read Ken's paper Reflections on Trusting
> Trust (online at http://www.acm.org/classics/sep95/), before you decide 
> where to put your foot down.

Wow, that is totally off-topic.

The discussion is about how we can use some of our clout to encourage
source availability in the long term (versus giving no pressure at
all) while not hurting our users by not giving them what they need.
Right from the start, the discussion is about where to draw the line,
in a field of grey, instead of choosing black versus white position.

THAT is the problem we always face.  A way to balance them.

When I run software that is in ports, I have absolutely no doubt that
there are security risks, and quite frankly, I don't care.  If you
care, you must work to fix it, and in reverse too -- if you don't work
to fix it, then you must not care enough to fix it.  And that is NOT
what this is about.  When binaries have holes, or risk factors due to
distribution problems, well DUH, so does source code.  ANY SOURCE CODE
has just as much risk.  Which of you even bloody read what you
download.  It is the standard balony of "If it is signed it must be
risk-free" or "If it is signed at least it has fewer risks".  It is
still balony.

This discussion is not about security.  It is about trying to
encourage suppliers of code to stick to the open source way of doing
things.  If we accept binary files all the time, how are we sending
the right message?

But if we only accept source, we are hurting our users.

THERE ARE MANY MIDDLE GROUNDS where we don't hurt our users too much,
yet we send a message to people who don't supply source.

Even with "blobs", we have middle grounds, because while some of them
are huge traps, some of them (like firmwares) just require
redistribution rights, but too few people actually study the situation
well enough and then (stupidly) they choose either black or white

Again, this discussion has ZERO TO DO WITH SECURITY.

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