On Sun, 31 Dec 2006, Joachim Schipper wrote:
Oh, it's certainly not the only port with questionable security - but
remember that Ethereal was pulled from the tree explicitly for its lack

Yes, but it was running as root IIRC.

of security, and also note that something like php or ImageMagick -
which are useful, but not as secure as one might like - doesn't have a
MESSAGE boasting that it is the next big security revolution.


Also, sorry for the slow reaction on the first post - it got stuck on my
laptop, that'll teach me to mess around with Postfix without restoring
the settings later. And sorry for this slow message - I'd promised to
test it earlier, and it's already committed (it builds fine, FWIW).

Hey no problem. Late feedback is better than no feedback. Before committing it, hiawatha was tested under i386, amd64, sparc64, macppc and zaurus ;-)



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