On 1/27/21 9:38 AM, Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan wrote:
On 1/26/21 4:42 PM, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
On Tue Jan 26, 2021 at 02:15:20PM +0100, Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan wrote:
Hello ports@,

Moonlight (formerly Limelight) is an open source implementation of
NVIDIA's GameStream protocol. With Moonlight, You can stream your
collection of PC games from your GameStream-compatible PC to any
supported device and play them remotely.

In order to properly test this port, a PC running Windows with an NVIDIA GPU (that's capable of running GameStream) is required. You need to install more
proprietary bloatware^W^W^WNVIDIA GeForce Experience and setup NVIDIA

More info on that can be found here:

If you don't have an NVIDIA GPU like I do, you can use Sunshine[1] which is an NVIDIA GameStream server reimplementation. You can download the pre-built
binaries from the GitHub tags/releases page and download the zip file.

 From there, you can simply launch the sunshine.exe file. Since it appears that sunshine lacks the capability to advertise to GameStream clients (like Moonlight), you have to add your PC manually via the IP address. When you
try to connect for the first time, it will ask you to enter a pin. Since
sunshine doesn't have any GUI/TUI at all, on the same Windows PC, you need
to go to<the pin number> to accept the pairing
request. After that, you should be able to connect!

 From my experience using this port and sunshine, it works fine and it's a bit sluggish but I'm not sure if that's caused by sunshine not supporting hardware encoding or the lack of hardware decoding on OpenBSD but it's much more usable in comparison to using Parsec/Rainway within chromium since it
works entirely in your local network.


[1]: https://github.com/loki-47-6F-64/sunshine

Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan
h...@yukiisbo.red - kai...@arkhan.io
https://yukiisbo.red - https://arkhan.io

Just a quick Qt port review. Please find below a few tweaks. Otherwise
it looks good. It starts clean and that is all I have tested.

--- Makefile.orig    Tue Jan 26 14:56:50 2021
+++ Makefile    Tue Jan 26 16:28:02 2021
@@ -17,15 +17,19 @@ MAINTAINER =        Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan <h...@yukiisbo.red>
  # GPLv3
-WANTLIB +=        ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} EGL GL Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network
-WANTLIB +=        Qt5Widgets X11 c crypto drm m ssl
-WANTLIB +=        SDL2 SDL2_ttf avcodec avutil opus
-WANTLIB +=        Qt5Qml Qt5QmlModels Qt5Quick Qt5QuickControls2 Qt5Svg
+WANTLIB += Qt5Qml Qt5QmlModels Qt5Quick Qt5QuickControls2 Qt5Svg
+WANTLIB += Qt5Widgets SDL2 SDL2_ttf X11 avcodec avutil c crypto
+WANTLIB += drm m opus ssl
  MODULES =        devel/qmake \
-RUN_DEPENDS =        graphics/ffmpeg \
+RUN_DEPENDS =        x11/gtk+3,-guic \
+            devel/desktop-file-utils
+LIB_DEPENDS =        graphics/ffmpeg \
              devel/sdl2 \
              devel/sdl2-ttf \
              audio/opus \

Thanks, here's an update tarball because the PLIST has changed:

Ping :-)

Port reattached

Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan
h...@yukiisbo.red - kai...@arkhan.io
https://yukiisbo.red - https://arkhan.io

Attachment: moonlight-qt-3.0.0.tgz
Description: Binary data

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