On 2021/02/08 08:39, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:
> Here's a new port for lwjgl3. It's a new port since there are existing
> things that use the lwjgl 2.x version we already have.
> Upstream is not interested in supporting BSD and has expressed hope that
> someone would fork the code for BSD support (so they don't have to deal
> with it). So this is based upon my fork with OpenBSD support added.
> (https://github.com/kmosiejczuk/lwjgl3)
> I added most of the code to support OpenBSD with some help from pamela
> and phessler. octeep (https://github.com/octeep/lwjgl3) figured out the 
> last couple of bits that eluded me for so long. Thank you!
> The build will try and download needed things to build, including a specific
> version of the kotlin compiler and some java libraries from maven. Thus the
> tricks of adding them in. I just bundled the maven libraries and put the
> distfile on a server of mine.
> phessler and pamela helped some with the port (blame the sins on me though)
> and both helped test.
> This isn't especially pretty, but it works. The delay for the last couple
> of weeks has been... testing... with current versions of Minecraft. ;)
> I figured I'd send this here for a little more review since I am pulling
> some ugly tricks and there may be better ways to handle it.
> --Kurt

; # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2019/09/23 15:17:35 kurt Exp $
; COMMENT =     lightweight game library for java
; V =           3.2.4alpha1
; DISTNAME =    lwjgl3-${V}
; KOTLIN_V =    1.3.61
; .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386"
; M_ARCH =      ""
; .elif ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "amd64"
; M_ARCH =      64
; .endif
; LWJGL3_HOME = ${PREFIX}/share/lwjgl3
; CATEGORIES =  games devel
; HOMEPAGE =    https://lwjgl.org
; MAINTAINER =  Kurt Mosiejczuk <k...@openbsd.org>
; COMPILER =    base-clang ports-gcc
; EXTRACT_ONLY =        ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz
; # Build downloads kotlin compiler and libraries from maven if not available
; DISTFILES +=  ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz \
;               kotlin-compiler-1.3.61.zip:1 \

can use a version variable here ^^

;               lwjgl3-maven.tar.gz:2

might be better to add a version/date into that filename, as a clue to use
a different name if/when it's updated

; MASTER_SITES =        \
;       https://github.com/kmosiejczuk/lwjgl3/releases/download/3.2.4alpha1/

and here ^^

; MASTER_SITES1 =       \
;       https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases/download/v${KOTLIN_V}/
; MASTER_SITES2 =       https://filedump.se.rit.edu/pub/distfiles/
; # BSD
; # GL listed here as it is dlopen()d by the lib
; WANTLIB +=    ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} GL X11 Xcursor Xext Xrandr Xxf86vm assimp \
;               glfw glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gtk-3 lmdb lz4 m openal \
;               opus pthread xxhash
; MODULES =     java
; MODJAVA_BUILD =       ant
; BUILD_DEPENDS =       devel/bullet \
;               devel/dyncall
; LIB_DEPENDS = archivers/lz4 \
;               audio/openal \
;               audio/opus \
;               databases/lmdb \
;               graphics/glfw \
;               multimedia/assimp \
;               sysutils/xxhash \
;               x11/gtk+3
; NO_TEST =     Yes
; pre-configure:
;       perl -pi -e 's,/usr/X11R6,${X11BASE},g' \
;               ${WRKSRC}/build.xml
;       perl -pi -e 's,/usr/local,${LOCALBASE},g' \
;               ${WRKSRC}/build.xml
;       mkdir -p ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs
;       touch ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs/touch.txt
;       unzip -oq -d ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs/ \
;               ${FULLDISTDIR}/kotlin-compiler-${KOTLIN_V}.zip
;       tar -C ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs -zxf ${FULLDISTDIR}/lwjgl3-maven.tar.gz

i would prefer to do those unzip/tar in post-extract (doesn't matter
hugely here i guess, but if it ever needs to be patched then it's in the
right place)

; do-build:
;       cd ${MODJAVA_BUILD_DIR} && \
;               ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} LWJGL_BUILD_OFFLINE=true \
;               JAVA8_HOME=${LOCALBASE}/jdk-11 ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant \
;               -buildfile ${MODJAVA_BUILD_FILE} release ${MODJAVA_BUILD_ARGS}
; do-install:
;       rm ${WRKSRC}/bin/RELEASE/lwjgl*/lwjgl-*-sources.jar
;       for x in ${WRKSRC}/bin/RELEASE/lwjgl*/*.jar; do \
;               ${INSTALL_DATA} $$x ${LWJGL3_HOME}/; \
;       done
;       for x in ${WRKSRC}/bin/RELEASE/lwjgl*/*license.txt; do \
;               ${INSTALL_DATA} $$x ${LWJGL3_HOME}/; \
;       done
; .include <bsd.port.mk>

i'll go with "that isn't terrible". ;)
also "it's way better than the 'process' i have for rebuilding snappy-java".

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