On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 08:24:46AM +0200, Florian Obser wrote:
> I don't think so, I'm running current and I last updated my nextcloud
> server on Apr 30th.

It's not Nextcloud server.

When app tries to upload, it pings the server on /index.php/204
endpoint expecting code 204 No Content and Content-Length: 0.

Since this header is not available when doin Transfer-Encoding:
chunked, the application HTTP client returns -1. The test fails and
app thinks server is down, aborting the upload.

I fixed that problem in the app, but it will take time until it gets
accepted and rolls into stable version in Play store.

> While my timeline suggests that this is triggered by a change in the
> mobile app, I'm happy to entertain the idea that httpd is doing
> something wrong. Were you able to try with e.g. nginx and is it working
> there?

Yes, nginx works correctly. It broke after I upgraded my httpd. I did
not update the client.

> I'd be interested in seeing HTTP request/response headers for httpd(8)
> and nginx to see how they are different if this works with nginx.

I did this when investigating the problem. Nginx returns 204 and no
Transfer-Encoding header. Httpd returns 204 and
Transfer-Encoding: chunked and no Content-Length.

Since I'm familiar with the Java/Kotlin code on the client side, and
stepped through it with a debugger, I know that chunked encoding is
the root cause, causing the client to return reply without content
length (signalled as -1).

> Or maybe the answer is just: nginx doesn't do chunked encoding?

You can check by doing curl -v https://demo1.nextcloud.com/index.php/204
and the same with something that runs on httpd.


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