On Thu, 20 May 2021, Stefan Hagen wrote:

> Paco Esteban wrote:
> > And now with 100% more included files!
> Thanks for fixing it!
> > On Thu, 20 May 2021, Paco Esteban wrote:
> >> Just a couple of things:
> >>
> >> Removed the initial 'a' from COMMENT
> >>
> >>
> >> Removed a comment you had on go get ...  I don't know why that was there.
> The comment was the message that is thrown when executing the test
> target. It's the reason for NO_TEST = yes.

Ok, I'll put it back before commit.  In any case, the correct var is

For this I recommend having this line on /etc/mk.conf

.include "/usr/ports/infrastructure/templates/mk.conf.template"

Or copy the .poison lines, whatever you prefer.  It saves a lot of
trouble for fat fingers like me.


Paco Esteban.

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