On 2021/07/06 18:16, Theo Buehler wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 06, 2021 at 10:34:52PM +0800, Delan Azabani wrote:
> > > The first line of the Makefile should be '# $OpenBSD$', followed by an
> > > empty line. This tag will be expanded by cvs on commit (see keyword
> > > substitution in rcs(1) for details).
> > > 
> > > For pkg/PLIST, generate it using 'make update-plist'. It will add
> > > '@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v$' as a first line to what you did manually.
> > 
> > Done and done (attached). Hopefully the overlong line is acceptable
> > too, seeing as it’s all generated by cargo-module(5) anyway?
> I don't think the overlong line is an issue. If someone feels strongly
> about this, the MODCARGO_CRATES lines could be split into a separate
> crates.inc file (currently only done in net/routinator and
> sysutils/broot).
> I would prefer a blank line after the $OpenBSD$ tag in the Makefile, but
> that can be done before import.
> Other than that,
> ok tb
> to import.

Few tweaks here, one (WANTLIB) required, couple more (set WRKDIST to
avoid some other unusual variables and the mv after unpacking) to make
it more ports-like. This one is OK with me.

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