On 2021/07/21 11:48, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
> Marc Espie writes:
> > Thus, I welcome actual workflow inputs.
> This is the procedure I use:
> 1.  cd /usr/ports/foo/bar
> 2.  cp /usr/ports/infrastructure/templates/Makefile.template Makefile
> 3.  vi Makefile

FWIW my workflow for a standard autoconf or cmake type port is to use a
shell alias which copies my own modified Makefile.template that suits
the way I work, for python/cpan I take "portgen" output and if it's sane
then modify that (which itself takes Makefile.template as a basis), if
not then I copy another port and modify. For rust I copy an existing port
and modify, for go it depends.

Even though I have a fair handle on the infrastructure, starting from some
template is a good prompt to avoid forgetting things (tests, deps/wantlib,

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