
I began working on a GNUstep port (http://www.gnustep.org/) to eventually port 
Etoilé (http://www.etoile-project.org/).

Everything is installed under $PREFIX/Gnustep instead of polluting all of 

Note that this is a *work in progress*, I might not finish it, it may bores me 
in a couple of days... I don't know, so don't jump around. Also, I only tested 
this on i386.

While not much as been ported yet,  I wanted to let people know as they've 
been requests for it in the past.
Only Gnustep Core has been ported yet (meaning... not much)...:
gnustep-{make,base,gui,back} (untar it under $PORTSDIR/x11)

Let me know what you think so far...


Attachment: gnustep.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

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