Hi ports@,

I don't know about you guys but I can't function without a clipboard manager.
A few years ago I was looking for the perfect one and while I haven't found
one yet I feel that clipmenu is damn near close.

% pkg_info clipmenu
Information for inst:clipmenu-6.2.0

simple clipboard manager using dmenu

clipmenu is a simple clipboard manager using dmenu or rofi.
The behavior of clipmenud can be customized through environment variables.

Despite being only <300 lines, clipmenu has many useful features, including:
* Customising the maximum number of clips stored (default 1000)
* Disabling clip collection temporarily with clipctl
* Not storing clipboard changes from certain programs, like password managers
* Taking direct ownership of the clipboard

Maintainer: Thim Cederlund <t...@cederlund.de>

WWW: https://github.com/cdown/clipmenu

% pkg_info clipnotify
Information for inst:clipnotify-1.0.2

simple program that waits until a new selection is available

Required by:

clipnotify waits until a new selection is available and then exits.
It is primarly made for clipmenu, but it can be used in shell scripts.

Maintainer: Thim Cederlund <t...@cederlund.de>

WWW: https://github.com/cdown/clipnotify

Best Regards,

Thim Cederlund

Attachment: clipmenu.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: clipnotify.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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