Rubén Llorente <> wrote:
> Has anybody done any testing with this port? Does anybody think it is
> ripe for import?

few comments:

SHARED_LIBS is not needed anymore as it doesn't install a shared library

WANTLIB is wrong.  What I often do is just comment the wantlibs in the
makefile and then run `make port-lib-check-depends' which will complain
loudly about the missing libs but also provide an easy to copy-paste
list of sorted and formatted wantlibs.

CONFIGURE_STYLE can be further simplified to 'autoreconf', as that
implies gnu already.

if it were me, i'd use GH_COMMIT to fetch the version including the CVE
fix: we're currently using a patch which fixes the CVE _and_ raises
rlimit.  It's easy in the future whan tweaking one or the other things
to mess up and do damages.  just my opinion thought.

the part of the getrlimit could be simplified, see the version in the
updated tarball attached.  (by the way, including a header in the middle
of a function hardly works.)  Instead of trying to fit the openbsd bit
inside the linux one, and since there is already an ifdef'd block for
__APPLE__, why don't simply add another block for OpenBSD?  The patch is
shorter, IMHO more readable and also probably easier to get it
upstreamed.  I've not run-time tested it, also you may want to avoid
fatal_return and fall back to some other value maybe.

these are the changes on top of your makefile:

--- Makefile.orig       Tue Jun 14 21:50:44 2022
+++ Makefile    Tue Jun 14 21:56:32 2022
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 GH_PROJECT =   lrzip
 GH_TAGNAME =   v0.651
-SHARED_LIBS =  lrzip 0.0
 CATEGORIES =   archivers
 MAINTAINER =   Ruben Llorente <>
@@ -13,7 +11,7 @@
 # GPLv2+
-WANTLIB = ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} bz2 c lzo2 m pthread z lz4
+WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} bz2 c lz4 lzo2 m z
 COMPILER =     base-clang ports-gcc
@@ -23,7 +21,7 @@
 RUN_DEPENDS =  shells/bash
-CONFIGURE_STYLE = gnu autoreconf
+CONFIGURE_STYLE = autoreconf
 CONFIGURE_ARGS = --disable-doc

with these I think the port looks fine and i would ok it if someone else
wants to import it.  (i haven't tested it a runtime)


Omar Polo

Attachment: lrzip.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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