Le 19/04/2023 à 09:47, Joel Carnat a écrit :
More testing needed, but feedback on the rationale more than welcome !


I have tested various combination and long-story-short, nothing worked
except the dirty modification of Exec. StartupWMClass doesn't seem to be
taken in account, or at least WM_CLASS isn't changed (tested with xprop).

Using `firefox --class firefox` from xterm does show the proper icon. You
can then pin it on docklike. But it is pinned without the flags. You have to
edit the launcher to add "--class firefox". Then, clicking docklike icon
will start Firefox with the overwritten class and show the icon.

I have noticed that when you modify the launcher from docklike, it
automatically modifies ~/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop with
"Exec=firefox --class firefox %u".

Was all this testing with standard packages, or my wip packages setting

It was the standard packages.
I forgot to test with your packages.

I’ll have a look this evening and let you know.

So I tested your firefox-esr package.
Long-story-short, it works as expected.

- starting firefox-esr from xterm sets a FF icon in docklike.
  checking wmclass shows WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Navigator", "firefox-esr"
- same thing happens when I remove any *firefox*desktop from my ~/.local/share/applications directory.
- starting firefox-esx and pinning it to docklike keeps the FF icon.
clicking on the icon start Firefox ESR as expected and swallow the instance using the icon.

Joel C.

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