On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 12:23:18PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2023/05/25 18:57, Jonathan Drews wrote:
> > On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 03:23:23PM +0200, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > > 
> > > As well, less urgently,  
> > > shouldn't there be a way to get Maxima compiled with sbcl, only only ecl.
> > > (sbcl typically gives considerably better performance, and it's available 
> > > in ports,
> > I wrote the maxima discuss list and they affirm the performance boost
> > that Dima mentions by using sbcl. However I get this make build error:
> > 
> > Missing library for sbcl>=0.0
> > Fatal error
> > *** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2385 
> sbcl is a standalone compiler binary + runtime files, there is no
> library so you can't use LIB_DEPENDS+WANTLIB for it. would be
> BUILD_DEPENDS and maybe also RUN_DEPENDS if needed.

Thanks so much Stuart: 

 I made the additions to  BUILD_DEPENDS and RUN_DEPENDS and
maxima-5.46.0 successfully built. There is a significant improvement
in performance:

Compute a Taylor series to 825 terms using ecl:
taylor(exp(-x/5)*sin(x), x,0,825)$
takes 20 seconds

Compute a Taylor series to 825 terms using sbcl:
taylor(exp(-x/5)*sin(x), x,0,825)$
takes 13 seconds

Dima was right. Also one of the replies I got from the maxima discuss
"My experience is that sbcl is way faster than ecl in practical use.
"The Testsuite (at least +the share one) loads many packages and does
try not to do any lengthy work with them. Loading +packages is not
extremely fast in sbcl. The only drawback of sbcl is that sbcl runs
out of +memory in places ECL doesn't."

I am getting a lot of warnings when I do make build. I am going to
capture thise in a file. They flew by to fast to read.

> ecl is an embeddable lisp implementation that can run as a library
> linked to by other programs.
> > My Makefile:
> generally a cvs (or git) diff would be preferred instead of sending the
> Makefile (please write it to a file and read it into your editor or send
> it as an attachment so that tabs/wrapping are maintained).
I will figure out how to do this and do it from now on.

Kind regards,

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