On 2024/02/14 17:38:43 -0600, izder456 <izder...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Hey,
> Just wanna pop in here and clarify why i did things the way i did.
> Jose Maldonado <josemal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why rename deadbeef-mpris2-plugin to deadbeef-plugin-mpris2?
> the thought process was simple here, there are other plugins that
> people may want to port for DeaDBeeF. with this naming scheme, all of
> the plugins would be prefixed by deadbeef-plugin and followed by
> -pluginname. this is more of a consistency measure in case future ports
> from me or others come about.

fwiw i agree, it reads fine to have deadbeef-plugin-foo rather than
deadbeef-foo-plugin if there are several potentially.  (otherwise I
would have advised to follow upstream naming.)

> Omar Polo <o...@omarpolo.com> wrote:
> >  - why removing the *la files?  
> like Klemens said, I saw other ports did this, namely the
> audio/deadbeef port specifically. Just replicating existing patterns.
> Not sure why though.

no strong opinion either, was just a curiosity.  (and have to admit that
for a few files i prefer to @comment them in the PLIST, but it's matter
of style here and won't object removing, @commenting or keeping these

> Omar Polo <o...@omarpolo.com> wrote:
> > longer explanation: the port links to glib (plus a lot of other
> > dependencies) and it's not listed in LIB_DEPENDS.  Yet, it's reachable
> > at runtime via audio/deadbeef, so portchecks detects that you're
> > missing
> > something in LIB_DEPENDS.  The idea of "masked ldeps" means a
> > LIB_DEPENDS that's not actually listed as LIB_DEPENDS.
> I assumed it was something along those lines. If I understand
> correctly, the audio/deadbeef depend "blankets" the need for the
> LIB_DEPENDS, right?

yeah, the deadbeef rdeps hides the lib depends in this case.  (actually i
think it's the first time I encounter this particular behaviour :-)

> thanks for the information.
> OK to import?

I'm attaching an updated tarball with kn and sthen comments addressed
(more usual licence marker, no explicit libtool depends) and sorted
WANTLIBS, that's OK for me to import.  (it's also of course OK for me if
whoever imports it wants to remove or @comment the *.la files.)

(as i haven't tested it --i'm happy with my own music player :P, was
just curious to mess around with a new port-- I'd prefer if it was
someone else to actually import it)

> Thanks for the patience with me.

No problem, it was a solid submission with just some nits to address.


Omar Polo

Attachment: deadbeef-plugin-mpris2.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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