On 2024/04/05 11:31, Heppler, J. Scott wrote:
> More info.
> I did a manual upgrade and used pkg_add -u to update firefox-esr.
> I removed the package and reinstalled.  Recursively deleted ~/.mozilla
> and firefox-esr now correctly ID's as OpenBSD - 7.5
> I was initially concerned that the build info had not been updated.  For
> some reason pkg_update did not replace the package for 7.5.  I expect
> this will correct in 7.5 on the next firefox-esr update.
> Regards
> ---
> J. Scott Heppler

There will be a reason why things don't get updated, sometimes it's
because a library dependency is not recorded properly, sometimes a
problem with a build where certain ports failed (more likely with a
snapshot than release build), sometimes @pkgpath / @conflict / quirks
are missing. In most cases those aren't going to magically go away,
so if anyone else sees problems with things not getting updated,
before you go and delete and reinstall, please run pkg_add -vvvu
under script(1) so that ports devs can take a look and try to figure
it out.

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