On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 06:57:51PM +0100, Tom Smyth wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> make obj is still needed
> Stop in bgpnsh
> *** Error 2 in /home/tom/nsh1.4.1/nsh (<bsd.subdir.mk>:48 'all': @for entry
> in bgpnsh nshdoas; do  set -e; if test -d /home/tom/nsh1.4.1/nsh...)
> make obj  first
> then
> make
> gets around it ...

Indeed, I overlooked obj dirs in subdirectories.
Thanks, this has now been fixed in the nsh github repo, as of
commit 957f3c72fb1d7839c038dd8126a59e390661ae15

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