On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 23:44:45 -0500
izder456 <izder...@disroot.org> wrote:

> Hello ports@,
> I initially made a thread in this list around the time 7.5 was nearing
> release, and the thread went stagnant, I assume since focus was on
> stability, and whatever. (might be misremembering here, I have a
> spotty memory).
> See threads:
> x11/emwm => https://marc.info/?t=170554680800002&r=1&w=2 
> x11/emwm-utils => https://marc.info/?t=170569187600001&r=1&w=2
> The only criticism I got aside from nits and tips on DISTFILES, seemed
> to come from a place of the quality of upstream code, which is fair if
> you are discussing comparing it to motif or whatever, but doesn't seem
> to be a reason against merging this. I use this WM quite frequently
> as a fallback. It would be personally nice to have. 
> But some of the reasons I see this being beneficial to merge: 
> Its the same legacy that motif wm has, but with modern niceties.
> fullscreen firefox/chromium is handled as expected, EWMH hints are
> respected, (so if you use a compositor or something), XFT font
> support is a biggie imho, thats one of the selling points for me. And
> emwm-utils has a nice toolchest application that is just nice to
> use/configure.
> Hell- I made some personal config backups on my Github profile, cos
> its just a nice floating WM.
> I know that necro-bumps are generally discouraged online- so heres a
> thread to ask this:
> now that 7.5 is released, would this be good to merge into -CURRENT?
> They are both attached.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks.

It has been over a month now, and I'm still interested in merging this.

soz for the *BUMP*.


-iz (they/them)

> i like to say mundane things, 
> there are too many uninteresting things 
> that go unnoticed.

izder456 (dot) neocities (dot) org

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