added both the python library libmat2 and a command line tool called
mat2 to remove metadata from various files.

tests are disabled because the tarball in
doesn't include the test documents.

the test documents are, however, present in so cloning that repository separately
and running the test yields the attached test-results.txt file. Looks
like it fails on some video files which i'll look into, but it mostly
works at least on my own personal files!

this library can be a building block for apps that use mat2 like as well.

the library also requires a couple runtime libraries to be installed,
and they can be checked by running the --check-dependencies command.

$ mat2 --check-dependencies
Dependencies for mat2 0.13.4:
- Cairo: yes
- Exiftool: yes (optional)
- Ffmpeg: yes (optional)
- GLib from PyGobject: yes
- GdkPixbuf from PyGobject: yes
- Mutagen: yes
- Poppler from PyGobject: yes
- PyGobject: yes

please test! works on my files on current/amd64. OK?


Attachment: py3-mat2.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

jag@big ~/D/mat2 (master)> coverage run --branch -m unittest discover -s tests/
...E.....FF..FF..........EEERROR:root:Something went wrong during the 
processing of ./tests/data/clean.avi: Command '['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-i', 
'./tests/data/clean.avi', '-y', '-map', '0', '-codec', 'copy', '-loglevel', 
'panic', '-hide_banner', '-map_metadata', '-1', '-map_chapters', '-1', 
'-disposition', '0', '-fflags', '+bitexact', '-flags:v', '+bitexact', 
'-flags:a', '+bitexact', './tests/data/clean.cleaned.avi']' returned non-zero 
exit status 1.
.ERROR:root:Something went wrong during the processing of 
./tests/data/--output.avi: Command '['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-i', 
'./tests/data/--output.avi', '-y', '-map', '0', '-codec', 'copy', '-loglevel', 
'panic', '-hide_banner', '-map_metadata', '-1', '-map_chapters', '-1', 
'-disposition', '0', '-fflags', '+bitexact', '-flags:v', '+bitexact', 
'-flags:a', '+bitexact', './tests/data/--output.cleaned.avi']' returned 
non-zero exit status 1.
...ERROR:root:Unable to parse /tmp/tmp5je1k6bq/OEBPS/content.opf in 
WARNING:root:Something went wrong during deep cleaning of OEBPS/content.opf in 
..........FWARNING:root:Not a valid bencoded string: 137
WARNING:root:Not a valid bencoded string: 137
WARNING:root:Not a valid bencoded string: 
WARNING:root:Not a valid bencoded string: 
WARNING:root:Not a valid bencoded string: 
WARNING:root:Invalid bencoded value (data after valid prefix)
..F............................[+] Testing pdf
[+] Testing png
[+] Testing jpg
[+] Testing wav
[+] Testing aiff
[+] Testing mp3
[+] Testing ogg
[+] Testing flac
[+] Testing docx
[+] Testing odt
[+] Testing tiff
Warning: [minor] Can't delete IFD0 from TIFF - ./tests/data/clean.tiff
[+] Testing bmp
[+] Testing torrent
[+] Testing odf
[+] Testing odg
[+] Testing txt
[+] Testing gif
[+] Testing css
[+] Testing svg
[+] Testing ppm
[+] Testing avi
[+] Testing mp4
WARNING:root:The format of "./tests/data/clean.mp4" (video/mp4) has some 
mandatory metadata fields; mat2 filled them with standard data.
WARNING:root:The format of "./tests/data/clean.cleaned.mp4" (video/mp4) has 
some mandatory metadata fields; mat2 filled them with standard data.
[+] Testing wmv
WARNING:root:The format of "./tests/data/clean.wmv" (video/x-ms-wmv) has some 
mandatory metadata fields; mat2 filled them with standard data.
WARNING:root:The format of "./tests/data/clean.cleaned.wmv" (video/x-ms-wmv) 
has some mandatory metadata fields; mat2 filled them with standard data.
[+] Testing heic
Warning: ICC_Profile deleted. Image colors may be affected - 
Warning: ICC_Profile deleted. Image colors may be affected - 
...EEEEEWARNING:root:./tests/data/clean.pptx contains invalid cNvPr: {1, 2, 3, 
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 22, 24}
................E....FE..........ERROR:root:In file ./tests/data/clean.docx, 
element word/media/'s format (text/x-python) isn't supported
.ERROR:root:In file ./tests/data/clean.odt, element Pictures/'s format 
(text/x-python) isn't supported
.....Warning: [minor] Can't delete IFD0 from TIFF - ./tests/data/clean.tiff
..WARNING:root:In file ./tests/data/clean.docx, keeping unknown element 
word/media/ (format: text/x-python)
.WARNING:root:In file ./tests/data/clean.docx, omitting unknown element 
word/media/ (format: text/x-python)
ERROR: test_different (test_climat2.TestCommandLineParallel.test_different)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 269, in 
    shutil.copytree(src, dst)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 573, in copytree
    return _copytree(entries=entries, src=src, dst=dst, symlinks=symlinks,
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 471, in _copytree
    os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=dirs_exist_ok)
  File "<frozen os>", line 225, in makedirs
FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: './tests/data/parallel'

ERROR: test_docx (test_corrupted_files.TestCorruptedEmbedded.test_docx)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 69, in 
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remove_all'

ERROR: test_odt (test_corrupted_files.TestCorruptedEmbedded.test_odt)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 77, in 
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remove_all'

ERROR: test_tar (test_libmat2.TestCleaningArchives.test_tar)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 679, in test_tar
 'This is a comment, be careful!')
KeyError: 'word/media/image1.png'

ERROR: test_tarbz2 (test_libmat2.TestCleaningArchives.test_tarbz2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 749, in 
 'This is a comment, be careful!')
KeyError: 'word/media/image1.png'

ERROR: test_targz (test_libmat2.TestCleaningArchives.test_targz)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 714, in test_targz
 'This is a comment, be careful!')
KeyError: 'word/media/image1.png'

ERROR: test_tarxz (test_libmat2.TestCleaningArchives.test_tarxz)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 784, in test_tarxz
 'This is a comment, be careful!')
KeyError: 'word/media/image1.png'

ERROR: test_zip (test_libmat2.TestCleaningArchives.test_zip)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 649, in test_zip
 'This is a comment, be careful!')
KeyError: 'word/media/image1.png'

ERROR: test_tar (test_libmat2.TestGetMeta.test_tar)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 241, in test_tar
    self.assertEqual(meta['./tests/data/dirty.flac']['comments'], 'Thank you 
for using MAT !')
KeyError: 'comments'

ERROR: test_zip (test_libmat2.TestGetMeta.test_zip)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 189, in test_zip
    self.assertEqual(meta['tests/data/dirty.flac']['comments'], 'Thank you for 
using MAT !')
KeyError: 'comments'

FAIL: test_docx (test_climat2.TestGetMeta.test_docx)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 203, in test_docx
    self.assertIn(b'Application: LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64', stdout)
AssertionError: b'Application: LibreOffice/$Linux_X86_64' not found in 
b"[-] ./tests/data/dirty.docx's format (None) is not supported\n"

FAIL: test_flac (test_climat2.TestGetMeta.test_flac)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 226, in test_flac
    self.assertIn(b'comments: Thank you for using MAT !', stdout)
AssertionError: b'comments: Thank you for using MAT !' not found in b"[-] 
./tests/data/dirty.flac's format (None) is not supported\n"

FAIL: test_odt (test_climat2.TestGetMeta.test_odt)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 211, in test_odt
    self.assertIn(b'generator: LibreOffice/3.3$Unix', stdout)
AssertionError: b'generator: LibreOffice/3.3$Unix' not found in b"[-] 
./tests/data/dirty.odt's format (None) is not supported\n"

FAIL: test_ogg (test_climat2.TestGetMeta.test_ogg)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 234, in test_ogg
    self.assertIn(b'comments: Thank you for using MAT !', stdout)
AssertionError: b'comments: Thank you for using MAT !' not found in b"[-] 
./tests/data/dirty.ogg's format (None) is not supported\n"

FAIL: test_tar (test_corrupted_files.TestCorruptedFiles.test_tar)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 320, in 
    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
AssertionError: ValueError not raised

FAIL: test_zip (test_corrupted_files.TestCorruptedFiles.test_zip)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 242, in 
    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
AssertionError: ValueError not raised

FAIL: test_wmv (test_libmat2.TestGetMeta.test_wmv)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jag/Downloads/mat2/tests/", line 206, in test_wmv
    self.assertEqual(mimetype, 'video/x-ms-wmv')
AssertionError: None != 'video/x-ms-wmv'

Ran 125 tests in 97.346s

FAILED (failures=7, errors=10)

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