On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, Ted Unangst wrote:

with the following patch, you can use the opengl renderer.  now it also
works on amd64 (and probably most other places) if you don't use the soft


+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-opengl=/usr/X11R6
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --with-opengl=${X11BASE}

Also add these to WANTLIB: GL Xau Xdmcp

MASTER_SITES first element doesn't seem to exist.

OpenGL renderer worked fine but sounds didn't:
------- sound initialization -------
loading oss sound output driver, ok
/dev/dsp: No such file or directory
SNDDMA_Init: Could not open /dev/dsp.

Btw, looking at the Quakeforge's site, it seems to me
that 0.3 version is rather dead:
"Newtree is our sta^H^H^Hdead tree. If we work on it again, it will provide the 0.3 and 0.4 series of QuakeForge releases. Most activity has moved to the development tree, though."

The site is very confusing but should CVS version considered?

If you want to take a look at ioquake2 (icculus.org fork) port that Toni Spets and I did it's available at:

It still needs some work and that's why I haven't submitted it.

Antti Harri

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