On 2008/01/21 15:25, Paul Irofti wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 12:59:33PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2008/01/21 14:52, Paul Irofti wrote:
> > > I've been following -current for a long time now, but in the last month
> > > or more there seems to be a problem with the binary packages and the
> > > base sets. 
> > > 
> > > This is valid on amd64, for example on i386 everything is fine.
> > > 
> > > The error pops up whenever I want to install or update an X related
> > > package:
> > 
> > You need a new xbase.
> I've been looking for xbase updates for the last month and on each
> update I thought this would be fixed, but it did not.

Looks like you have some problem with your mirroring..

> $ ls -l obsd/xbase42.tgz 
> -r--r--r--  1 bulibuta  users  13474763 Jan 18 09:26 obsd/xbase42.tgz
> 150 Have a Gorilla.
> -r--r--r--    1 1114     1114     10925685 Jan 18 09:26 xbase42.tgz

$ snap=~ftp/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/
$ ls -l $snap/xbase42.tgz
-r--r--r--  1 sthen  wheel  10925685 Jan 18 09:26 xbase42.tgz
$ tar tzf $snap/xbase42.tgz ./usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so*

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