Vadim Zhukov wrote:
1 July 2008 ?. 13:55:46 Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2008/07/01 11:21, Roberto FERNANDEZ wrote:
Don't know if my vote counts but here it is.

normalize +1
daemontools dependency -1
Then it wouldn't be DJBDNS, and you are going against the author's
wishes, and you are making things more difficult for users, some of
whom *will*, whatever you tell them, try and follow a mixture of
docs. Using this will suck. Answering emails asking for help will
suck too (don't forget they won't just come on ports@, but also
on djbdns-related mailing lists).
If you're looking for a good normal DNS server that isn't BIND, we
have good ones in ports; nsd (an authoritative server) and unbound
(a caching recursive resolver).
If you have chosen to use DJBDNS it's going to be based on reading
about it beforehand, and then you will already know it is going to
be "different"...
Well, if someone will create (and maintain, of course) a port, this'll not stop anyone who wants to compile djbdns directly from sources. So I don't see the point of blocking such effort. It's all about freedom to choose what to use. :)

No, it is about making OpenBSD and the application software easier to
use, not creating things for maintainers to maintain that will irritate
them and the users "because you can".  The existence or non-existence of
the port does not impact someone's FREEDOM, just how they exercise that

IF someone adopted djbdns to make it a standard and supported app, with
its own support and documentation infrastructure, great, fine, I'd love
to see it in ports, and if it really didn't suck (I'm not holding my
breath...the chatter I saw on it a few months ago looked terrifyingly
Linux-like..."Hey, let's add EVERYTHING to it!"), I'd switch to it, I
would like to see the benefits of a pkg-* managed app.  But to have a
bastardized system that was completely contrary to the official
documentation?  No thanks.  I'm not using it, and I'd actively argue
that it should NOT be used by novice or advanced users.

I do not think OpenBSD should become a support structure for a third
party app that works JUST FINE before we screwed it up.  This is what
would have to happen.

Creating a port of DJBDNS solves no real problem for anyone who should
be running a DNS server.  And yes, you should have at least a minimal
amount of knowledge before attempting to do that.


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