Yeah, Install a snapshot and put in a newer jdk.  I'm using 1.7 with
netbeans.  Don't hate the OpenBSD, Love the OpenBSD.

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:07 PM, macintoshzoom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On OpenBSD 4.3, to build Java to run, say, Jondos anonymizer, latest
> port seems jre-1.4.2p15, .... it requires 2004? (out)dated distfiles as
> ***
> ***
> ..
> Is this sane when everybody knows how buggy and unsafe is Java (see
> ) ?????
> Can I go ahead for a top secure Java or may I have to forget Java on
> OpenBSD (by the moment)???????
> Lots of years playing with OpenBSD, and sometimes I still feel as the
> latest idiot on earth when trying to install Java: Obsolete, No port, no
> package, distfiles nearly impossible to find at sites, (try to
> search at the searchbox from, no
> results), bsd-jdk14-patches-8.tar.gz from
> requires to leave your fingerprints because it uses javascript, really,
> really an exasperating experience.
> Why not a simple script to install, opening a simple lynx browser w¡hen
> required (license notifications and the like), as everyone (0S) else
> does (that fails also in the non redistributable trick), is this so
> difficult?
> And after all that shit, I am ending with an obsolete and buggy unsafe
> java, that I want to run ultrasecure software!
> Sorry guys, some days I hate OpenBSD.
> Cab anyone give me some consolation words? (or any tip to compile latest
> java)

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