
> The bindings tests pass for you?
> Do you see any errors like I described here?
> http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=dev&msgNo=142053
It takes long for tests to pass even on fast amd64, have had no chance
to check all tests yesterday,
i've just started with fixing first failed ones and went through as
much as time allowed.

> I'd rather not use SEPARATE_BUILD, if not using it means
> less patches to maintain.

I dont think that m4 macroses and python build scripts
will be changing much between minor releases, so i am fine with that.

> Also, Valery, if you want to pick up maintainership for this port
> (i.e. maintain it in the long term), please feel free to do so.
> I put my name into MAINTAINER in my patch mostly because the CVS logs
> show timeouts by the old maintainer (Sigfried, in Cc), and because I
> felt sort of obligated to keep maintaining the port if no one else
> wants it (being one of the few people who are Subversion developers
> and OpenBSD users at the same time).

> So I would be glad if you took official maintenance for this port.
> I will be around to help wherever and whenever I can, of course :)
> But if this is too much of a burden for you (or if it turns out to
> be at some point), I can take the port and keep updating it, no problem.
> Since Sigfried has not been doing active maintenance of the port for
> some time, I expect we can assume that he is fine with handing
> maintainership over to someone else.
> Also note that 1.5.2 is due being rolled on Wednesday, and should be
> released on the following weekend if things go as planned.
Ugh :\ , i will adapt patches to the fresh release. I think that svn
is quite popular version
control system, so it can be maintained by ports@, but i dont have
objections against maintaining it.

Lets wait for steven@  and other developer opinions.

Regards Valery.

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