On 2008/09/02 17:57, Dongsheng Song wrote:
> Could you support both 1.4 & 1.5, like jdk ?

there is a very good reason for doing this with jdk. reading the
release notes for Subversion, it seems this is not necessary here:-

| "Older clients and servers interoperate transparently with 1.5 servers
| and clients. However, some of the new 1.5 features (e.g., merge
| tracking) may not be available unless both client and server are the
| latest version . There are also cases (e.g., sparse checkouts) where a
| new feature will work but will run less efficiently if the client is new
| and the server old.
| There is no need to dump and reload your repositories. Subversion 1.5
| can read repositories created by earlier versions. To upgrade an
| existing installation, just install the newest libraries and binaries on
| top of the older ones.
| Subversion 1.5 maintains API/ABI compatibility with earlier releases, by
| only adding new functions, never removing old ones. A program written to
| the 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4 API can both compile and run using 1.5
| libraries. However, a program written for 1.5 cannot necessarily compile
| or run against older libraries."

what's the reason you want to keep 1.4?

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