Hi Marc Espie,

Marc Espie wrote:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 01:31:32PM -0600, macintoshzoom wrote:
On my 4.4 i386 make update on ports kde fetches the distfiles/sources and build the packages even when not installed at all nor requested.

Yes, that's a feature...

As you may have read, I have about 90% kde installed (from packages) and I wanted to try latest kde cvs port tree, to see for improvements I want. But I was candid thinking that make update on ports/x11/kde should be clever enough to detect what packages are already installed to update them from the ports. My mistake ended with some GB of unrequired nor installed nor requested distfiles and packages fetched and built by make update, leaving my box (/usr) out of space.

make update has to build the packages to know whether or not it needs
to update them.

It should be a better and clever way to do that, instead of downloading huge MBs and spending huge hours creating useless packages to say later "not installed, not update required" or something like that. At least it could be so kind to delete the useless distfiles and packages, or creating those in the tmp partition, till verification of if they are really needed.

You can reverse the process by running pkg_add -ui   with a SRC url in

That's look interesting, what kind d of SRC url do you mean about?
Where do you like to setup the PKG_PATH env?

This is usually rather painful, if you can live with compiled snapshot
packages, that's simpler.

Painful or not, I want/need to be to the bleeding edge versions of what is available to test.

Except for the few people who actually develop new ports and perform
quality insurance on the existing builds, it's much simpler to just use
the binary packages for most things, and only build from source when you
really have a good reason to do so.

My needs are:

1- To create an easy way, from an (nearly) exclusively KDE easy-to-use-for-the-masses graphical system, to update/upgrade the system for a worldwide select users to the latest stable OpenBSD packages + to my own packages repository (updated when I can, daily, weekly, and not on a 6 months basis) of specific created or tweaked by my own.

2- For my own experimental box, to know how to deal properly with the ports system (avoiding those out-of-space issues that I had e.g. because of my error doing make update on the kde ports folder).

Thanks Marc Espie for all your past replies to my postings, every word is carefully taken in count, ... even if sometime I don't agree with you (at all) on the way currently pkg_add (or other things) sometimes works, good for an industrial/firewall/server OS managed by paid experts, but I need some extra usability features as I am creating an OpenBSD-KDE Desktop distro focused on usability for the masses and implementing top privacy/security features.


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