Hi Brad.

Brad wrote:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 13:31:32 -0600
macintoshzoom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On my 4.4 i386 make update on ports kde fetches the distfiles/sources and build the packages even when not installed at all nor requested.

As some one of you know, the full sources of kde on a slow connection can be desperately loooong.

I asked:
env FORCE_UPDATEDEPENDS=yes  make update

perhaps this is my error?

It is a combination of three issues.. the way make update works, the way the
ports tree works and your expectation.

First off, make update really does not work the way most users would probably
think it should work under the most ideal conditions. It is more or less meant
to be run in each directory to update individual ports with the resulting
packages as opposed to trying to run it globally whether it is under /usr/ports
or even /usr/ports/x11/kde for that matter. It isn't "smart enough" to figure
out what packages are installed and only build the resulting package. It will
just build the packages and then attempt to update the package if it exists on
the system.

OK, now I understand some of the make update limitations.
Running make update on each of the dozens, say one hundred, folders is a bit discouraging about what I like to expect from an avantgarde OS as I want OpenBSD to be. I want a one-button update/upgrade, as modern popular OSes, automated, so to keep the system always to the top without investing any time on it, I have many better things to waste my time on, time, a thing that life doesn't give to me for free.

The second issue is the way the ports tree works. Some ports have sub-packages
or FLAVORs. In the case of kde-i18n it has FLAVORs for each language. If you
look at ports/x11/kde/Makefile you will see that during bulk builds all of the
languages have packages built. So going back to what I said above if you run
make update under kde/ it will just build all of the packages and then update
whatever is actually installed.

Yes, this is what it's doing from many hours ago, and I am a bit desperate and feeling myself as stupid trying to run this machine as I want to. But I will leave "make update" to do the job the best "she" knows.

Last of all, your expectation. You have an expectation that make update works
in a certain manner and as outlined above this is not the way that the tools
actully work at the moment. So get used to it. ;)

Yes I have to do it, buy I'm a non-conformist, and I want this OS to improve to its best, so me, a mere mortal, if I'm paining with those usability issues, perhaps the OpenBSD gurus will try to improve usability in months or years to come ...



 >> kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist on this system.
>> Fetch ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.9/src/kde-i18n/kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9.tar.bz2.
  48% |*********************************************  ....
===>  Building package for kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9
Create /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9.tgz
Link to /usr/ports/packages/i386/ftp/kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9.tgz
Link to /usr/ports/packages/i386/cdrom/kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9.tgz
===> Updating for kde-i18n-kk-3.5.9
Not installed, no update

kde-i18n-kk is the korean language for Kde, which I never installed nor requested.

I am doing something wrong, or it's a bug?

Besides this, as I mentioned also in my previous thread, instead of linking the newly created packages from /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/ to /usr/ports/packages/i386/ftp/ and to /usr/ports/packages/i386/cdrom/ , as the stdout says above, it creates copies of the file in each folder.

I am doing again something wrong, or it's a bug?

Thanks folks.


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