hmm, on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:59:04AM +0100, Edd Barrett said that
> Yes, well thats down to the way I have packaged it. I was under the
> impression that context was based upon some other tex engine. If you
> really want I can try separating it out.

context is primarily pdftex based (but can be used with xetex and luatex)
try downloading a recent zip
for a file list but it includes documentation and fonts
and font mappings as well.

> I had a probelm when including graphics into context last year
> "convert: command not found". I cant find my post on the context list
> unfortunatly. If you are a context user, please go ahead and try and
> report back :)

i will have a look, but context uses pdftex's graphic facilities
which in turn use libpng and friends, i doubt this.  i cannot say
for sure at the moment.

> TL-2008 has  a network installer, I did consider harnessing it, but
> opted not to.
> No-one says you *have* to use the packages/ports. Go get the network
> installer and install exactly which subset you want. The binaries
> installed in this way work on OpenBSD-4.3/i386 only (I make the
> binaries that go on the TeX Live CDROM and thats what I built em on).
> We are not like solaris where a binary will work for 10 years in the
> future.

maybe if you compile them statically :]

> Also note that there are MikTeX tools for UNIX, but I have not tried
> them. If I didnt have so much uni junk coming up I would have a look
> at this.

thanks for the heads up.  as i am a context-only user some kind of
network installer would be more than nice.  please note that a context
only port might be on the way: context people are tackling this bloat
problem on their own: with a self-contained "minimal" context

what a day may bring, a day may take away.

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