On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 07:21:26 -0700, J.C. Roberts wrote:

>Your use of the terms "stable" and "snapshot" above are not particularly 
>clear, or more likely, I'm just reading it wrong.
 The postfix port has stable and snapshot versions to choose from.

I'm building on 4.4 release using 4.4 release ports tree and trying to
get a 4.3 release box with postfix to update to 4.4 (that worked well)
and to the snapshot version of postfix that comes with the 4.4 ports

Eventually I built the stable postfix for 4.4 and the (was)4.3 (now)
4.4 machine saw the postfix-stable as an update option and took it.

The puzzle is: How do I get the update to Postfix-snapshot (for 4.4) to

Nice hearing from you again!

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