Steven Mestdagh wrote:

Here is an update to subversion 1.5.4. I've added some more workarounds
to always find the python binary, and merged stuff from the previous
diffs that were sent.
Tested on amd64, `make regress' gives no failures.

Please test/comment/ok.
It passed all regression tests on my i386 box. I only found that the patch lacks the 
(UN)MESSAGE files I added for ap2-subversion. 

Brad Walker

Index: pkg/MESSAGE-ap2
RCS file: pkg/MESSAGE-ap2
diff -N pkg/MESSAGE-ap2
--- /dev/null    1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ pkg/MESSAGE-ap2    16 Sep 2008 12:54:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+To finish the install of ap2-subversion, you need
+to enable the modules by adding the following line
+to your /etc/apache2/httpd2.conf file:
+  LoadModule dav_svn_module ${PREFIX}/lib/apache2/
+  LoadModule authz_svn_module ${PREFIX}/lib/apache2/
+If you already have Apache running on your machine,
+you should not use "apachectl2 restart" - instead,
+you should fully stop and then restart the server.
Index: pkg/UNMESSAGE-ap2
RCS file: pkg/UNMESSAGE-ap2
diff -N pkg/UNMESSAGE-ap2
--- /dev/null    1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ pkg/UNMESSAGE-ap2    16 Sep 2008 12:54:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+To completely deinstall the ap2-subversion package you
+need to perform these steps as root:
+       edit /etc/apache2/httpd2.conf
+       remove the lines: LoadModule dav_svn_module
+                         LoadModule authz_svn_module
+Do not do this if you plan on re-installing the ap2-subversion
+package at some future time.

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