Hello Ports,

  Who may port this tool ?

 IMSpector is an Instant Messenger proxy with monitoring, blocking and 
content-filtering capabilities.
 Currently it supports MSN, Jabber/XMPP, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, IRC and Gadu-Gadu to 
different degrees.
 MSN is the principle protocol, as it’s the most popular these days, at least 
in the UK where I’m based.
 The supported platforms are at present Linux and BSD when using the pf 
firewall, but porting to other UNIXs should be trivial. It is able to log to 
plain files, as well as several types of SQL database including MySQL, SQLite 
and PostreSQL.

  HomePage www.imspector.org

  Last version http://www.imspector.org/downloads/imspector-0.8.tar.gz

Best regards,
 irix                          mailto:i...@ukr.net

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