Hello Kirill,

Monday, February 23, 2009, 12:35:25 AM, you wrote:

I  try  to  remade  this sample, but 0.8 version dont compile. Maybe
 some bugs in paths for the headers or some else.

KB> Hi. I have this in plans, but i don't know when i'll start this. You can 
get a
KB> template from comixwall.org.

KB> On Sun, February 22, 2009 16:52, irix wrote:
>> Hello Ports,
>>   Who may port this tool ?
>>  IMSpector is an Instant Messenger proxy with monitoring, blocking and
>> content-filtering capabilities.
>>  Currently it supports MSN, Jabber/XMPP, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, IRC and Gadu-Gadu 
>> to
>> different degrees.
>>  MSN is the principle protocol, as it’s the most popular these days, at least
>> in the UK where I’m based.
>>  The supported platforms are at present Linux and BSD when using the pf
>> firewall, but porting to other UNIXs should be trivial. It is able to log to
>> plain files, as well as several types of SQL database including MySQL, SQLite
>> and PostreSQL.
>>   HomePage www.imspector.org
>>   Last version http://www.imspector.org/downloads/imspector-0.8.tar.gz
>> --
>> Best regards,
>>  irix                          mailto:i...@ukr.net

Best regards,
 irix                            mailto:i...@ukr.net

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