> On Mon, 04 May 2009 07:31:39 +0200, Matthew Szudzik wrote:
> > One of the xenocara font configuration files is interfering with the
> > /x11/msttcorefonts port.  See
> > 
> >  http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=124141462930332
> > 
> > Perhaps the port should be updated, so that the configuration file is
> > disabled when the port is installed.
> I think it would be even better to have 31-nonmst.conf removed
> altogether. This issue clearly shows that the file hardly makes any
> sense. Its contents are better off in someone's personal ~/.fonts.conf
> than in a system-wide configuration file.

Wow, your process stinks.

Sure, we'll do that.

Then you can only print in Mozilla if you have the Microsoft fonts

We'll get right on that, since you were carefully judged the situation.

Always happy to get advice from the exports!

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