> hmm, on Mon, May 04, 2009 at 07:58:54PM -0600, Theo de Raadt said that
> > > if an application is broken, fix it or make a cludge in the package.
> > > this is the ports approach.
> > 
> > where's the diffs?
> the diffs in the tree, only in the wrong directory.
> just put it in your home or install the (omg) msttcorefonts
> package, it's easy, Marc did a terrific job with pkg tools
> you know.

that approach is broken.

> > your sense of self-importance just makes other people not even want
> > to try.
> yes, i am the light you should all follow.  bleh.
> you know, instead of firing off theo-mails at me,
> you failed to bring up any good reasons,

I don't have to bring up any good reasons for some random person on
the mailing lists feels "entitled".

> for the sake of archives
> and all the future discussions about this issue when it will bite
> people in the ass, just why was this was a good idea besides making
> firefox print pretty.  (ok, thunderbird too)

I don't care.

> there is not a thread where a valid technical reason won't shut me up,
> i am not ashamed to be proved wrong.  because i am not here for the
> cozy friendship of yours either, that ship has sailed.  but you failed
> to bring up any, because i think you dont have any.

I don't care.

> > > anyway, i presented my case, and also rest it.  i just felt necessary
> > > to voice my opinion for what it's worth.  thank you for your attention.
> > 
> > i could not give a rats ass what you say.
> very nice encouragement for future patches.

I don't give a shit.

> i can't help but wonder how this very same discussion would have gone
> about this issue if actually we had been long-time friends and i had
> commit access.  i assume you'd have tried to convince me with some
> technical arguments.  why not do it here?  i am not your enemy,
> i want a good system as bad as you do.  bsd would be nowhere if people
> agreed on everything, it's a pre-condition of development.  if i doubt
> your reasons you have to come up with justification, but you just take
> it all so personally, it actually scares away the good ideas as well,
> not just the bad.

I don't care.

> i must admit, you never dissappoint.
> but consistency is a quality i admire.

I really don't give a shit what you admire or not.

You are a whiny snively jerk, and every time you open your mouth I go
work on something else.

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