Jacob Meuser wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 04:26:40PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
>> I see that bias towards only supporting packages, now.
> yeah, you were only told that the first post, and almost every post
> since.  and it says so in the FAQ, which you werre directed to
> at least a few times.  I can see why you might not have understood,
> since we kept it a secret from you ...
>> I don't/won't use 
>> things that others build for me
> then how did you install OpenBSD in the first place?

Seeing as it's grossly impossible to install directly from sources, that
question seems to be rather moot.  If it's a reasonable option, then I want to
build my own.  I wonder if that's not often true of many, maybe most, of the
folks on this list?

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