On 2009/07/04 20:05, Rod Whitworth wrote:
> So which imap? Dovecot looked like a candidate. It can use sqlite as
> does Roundcube and I know it can do authentication for Postfix so it
> looked like a suitable candidate.

I haven't found any "perfect" webmail but Roundcube looks nice, is
easy to get running and works _reasonably_ well. ;)

You might also want to look at squirrelmail and hastymail (not in
ports but fairly straightforward to setup - lots of squirrelmail
users add plugins, so making a port of it would only be partially

IMP is quite nice, it does a lot of things and seems more robust
than Roundcube, but setup is a real pain. It doesn't look as flashy
which is either an advantage or disadvantage depending on your point
of view.

> Then I found out that Roundcube uses sqlite and Dovecot uses sqlite3. I
> don't think I want to have to synch two databases all the time.

Roundcube's database is for user prefs (timezone, colours, address
book etc), it doesn't really overlap anything Dovecot needs, so there's
nothing to keep in sync there. I haven't needed to touch the Roundcube
db at all after setting up.

I've run servers with Cyrus and Dovecot, and tried out UW and Courier,
at various times over the last ~10 years. Cyrus has some nice features
that Dovecot doesn't have yet, but Dovecot's auth setup is much simpler
especially with Postfix, and I find the whole thing a bit more admin-
friendly, so I'm using Dovecot for all my new setups.

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