
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:56:11PM +0000, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > here's a (imo) more polished version

Works i386, but I have comments:

- Should this port depend upon specifically the new version of dvdnav or
  higher? It caught me out again.

- Is the package named correctly? It seems make update did not work for

# pkg_info | grep mplayer 
mplayer-1.0rc2p21-aa movie player supporting MPEG, DivX, AVI, ASF, MOV &
# pwd
# make update

(Does nothing, so I check this is the new port.)

# head -10 Makefile 
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.150 2009/05/05 11:40:08 sthen Exp $

# May not be hard to add more.
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS=         amd64 i386 powerpc sparc64 arm

COMMENT=                movie player supporting MPEG, DivX, AVI, ASF,
MOV & more

V=                      20090708
N=                      mplayer
DISTNAME=               mplayer-export-snapshot-${V}

- And yes, put all that info in DESCR back in a README.OpenBSD.

Other than that, great work! :) Will test on sparc64 later.


Best Regards

Edd Barrett
(Freelance software developer / technical writer / open-source developer)


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