On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 06:10:37PM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
> Hi all,
> On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 08:20:38AM +0000, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > this isn't really new.  the alignment check (and thus the message) was
> > patched out before.
> Yeh I have seen this before too.
> Attached is a new diff:
>  * Move info from MESSAGE into README.OpenBSD again.
>  * Depend upon specifically the new version of dvdnav (or greater).
> Works i386, and assumed sparc64+amd64, as only package metadata has
> changed. I tested a DVD too, that works.
> Hopefully we are nearing a commit? What do you guys think? Is there
> anything outstanding?

don't know what has changed in the past month, but I have installed 
new snapshot and new packages from ftp (Aug 9th).
Since then, both mplayer-20090708 and mplayer-1.0rc2p26's gmplayer
stopped working:
[ws] Error in display.
[ws] Error code: 10 ( BadAccess (attempt to access private resource
denied) )
[ws] Request code: 144
[ws] Minor code: 1
[ws] Modules: (NULL)

After looking around I found this:
which fixes the problem.

--- gui/wm/ws.c.orig    Tue Aug 11 13:30:41 2009
+++ gui/wm/ws.c Tue Aug 11 13:30:59 2009
@@ -1172,6 +1172,7 @@ void wsCreateImage( wsTWindow * win,int Width,int Heig
    XShmAttach( wsDisplay,&win->Shminfo );
+   XSync(wsDisplay, False);
    shmctl( win->Shminfo.shmid,IPC_RMID,0 );

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