On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:26:33AM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
> Hi,
> I learnt that I can say "pkg_add -ui" to get the latest of everything
> in my already-installed packages (right?). But I have to install a
> certain package first, and that's where the question begins:
> I'd like to be able to eg. say "pkg_add vim_no-x11" and let the package
> system figure out which one is the latest. So far, I only know how to
> say "pkg_add vim" or "pkg_add vim-7.2.77-no_x11" if I want the no_x11
> flavor. Otherwise, I have to know the specific version, too.
> Am I overlooking something obvious, or is there a known easy way around
> this limitation?
> The reason why I'm asking is that, while currently working on automated
> installs, I'd like to specify a package and a flavor, and not care
> about the rest because it would mean to touch many scripts and/or
> config files in the install system to simply keep the version numbers
> current, which is tedious, error-prone, and doesn't add any value from
> my perspective. And before being able to install something, I have to
> make sure that I get the correct version number(s) first.
> I'd also like to be able to specify that pkg_add should take the
> *latest* of a given package in case there are several versions. Eg. I
> often have several versions of nginx or other packages in my
> repository, and both private and official repositories in my PKG_PATH,
> which often results in pkg_add asking me which version I want. I'd like
> to work around this user interaction, too, but offhand don't see "the
> way".

Not sure will that help you, but try addapt attached port for your
needs. I'm using this approach for months.

best regards

Attachment: cluster-database.port.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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