On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Matthew Young <myoung24...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have read the FAQ in regards to flavors, packages, subpackages and multi
> packages. This is where iam confued.
> All I need is to compile from source (yes it needs compiled from source and
> not from packages) PHP with only php5-mysql. Multi_packages lists:
> # make show=MULTI_PACKAGES
> ===> www/php5/core
> -main -fastcgi
> ===> www/php5/extensions
> -main -bz2 -curl -dba -dbase -gd -gmp -imap -ldap -mbstring -mcrypt -mhash
> -mysql -mysqli -ncurses -odbc -pdo_mysql -pdo_pgsql -pdo_sqlite -pgsql
> -pspell -shmop -soap -snmp -sqlite -sybase_ct -xmlrpc -xsl
> ===> www/php5/extensions,no_x11
> -main -bz2 -curl -dba -dbase -gd -gmp -imap -ldap -mbstring -mcrypt -mhash
> -mysql -mysqli -ncurses -odbc -pdo_mysql -pdo_pgsql -pdo_sqlite -pgsql
> -pspell -shmop -soap -snmp -sqlite -sybase_ct -xmlrpc -xsl
> As a start I tried I did:
> cd core; env MULTI_PACKAGES="-main" make install
> That didnt go ver far and it gave me this..
> ===>  php5-core-5.2.6 depends on: gettext->=0.17 - not found
> ===>  Verifying install for gettext->=0.17 in devel/gettext
> Fatal: Missing comment for -main. (in devel/gettext)
> Iam obvioysly doing something wrong, perhaps this isnt the right way to
> select that I want -main only?

Read the following thread, as you'll find it informative (especially
the last reply by Vadim Zhukov)


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