Hello Vijay,
i just tried your suggestion.. but it installed every single dependancy not
needed by mysql. Including stuff like:

bzip2-1.0.5         block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
c-client-2007e      University of Washington's c-client mail access routines
curl-7.19.3p0       get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
cyrus-sasl-2.1.22p5 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
gmp-4.2.4           library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
jpeg-6bp3           IJG's JPEG compression utilities
python-2.5.4        interpreted object-oriented programming language
sqlite3-3.6.10      embedded SQL implementation
tk-8.4.19           graphical toolkit for Tcl

Iam going to try the method suggested by Patrick and will inform.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Vijay Sankar <vsan...@foretell.ca> wrote:

> I am sorry I gave you wrong information.
> Can you please try
> server11# env SUBPACKAGE="-mysql" make package
> Matthew Young wrote:
>> # env FLAVOR=mysql make package
>> Fatal: Unknown flavor: mysql (in www/php5/extensions)
>>   (Possible flavors are: no_x11 no_bz2 no_curl no_dba no_dbase no_gd
>> no_gmp no_imap no_ldap no_mbstring no_mcrypt no_mhash no_mysql no_mysqli
>> no_ncurses no_odbc no_pdo_mysql no_pdo_pgsql no_pdo_sqlite no_pgsql
>> no_pspell no_shmop no_soap no_snmp no_sqlite no_sybase_ct no_xmlrpc no_xsl
>> no_suhosin). (in www/php5/extensions)
>> Would this mean that I would have to give it all of the packages I dont
>> want so that it understands I only need mysql? It just seems there is a
>> better way,,?
>> Thank you
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Vijay Sankar <vsan...@foretell.ca<mailto:
>> vsan...@foretell.ca>> wrote:
>>    Matthew Young wrote:
>>        Hello,
>>        I have read the FAQ in regards to flavors, packages, subpackages
>>        and multi
>>        packages. This is where iam confued.
>>        All I need is to compile from source (yes it needs compiled from
>>        source and
>>        not from packages) PHP with only php5-mysql. Multi_packages lists:
>>        # make show=MULTI_PACKAGES
>>        ===> www/php5/core
>>        -main -fastcgi
>>        ===> www/php5/extensions
>>        -main -bz2 -curl -dba -dbase -gd -gmp -imap -ldap -mbstring
>>        -mcrypt -mhash
>>        -mysql -mysqli -ncurses -odbc -pdo_mysql -pdo_pgsql -pdo_sqlite
>>        -pgsql
>>        -pspell -shmop -soap -snmp -sqlite -sybase_ct -xmlrpc -xsl
>>        ===> www/php5/extensions,no_x11
>>        -main -bz2 -curl -dba -dbase -gd -gmp -imap -ldap -mbstring
>>        -mcrypt -mhash
>>        -mysql -mysqli -ncurses -odbc -pdo_mysql -pdo_pgsql -pdo_sqlite
>>        -pgsql
>>        -pspell -shmop -soap -snmp -sqlite -sybase_ct -xmlrpc -xsl
>>        As a start I tried I did:
>>        cd core; env MULTI_PACKAGES="-main" make install
>>        That didnt go ver far and it gave me this..
>>        ===>  php5-core-5.2.6 depends on: gettext->=0.17 - not found
>>        ===>  Verifying install for gettext->=0.17 in devel/gettext
>>        Fatal: Missing comment for -main. (in devel/gettext)
>>        Iam obvioysly doing something wrong, perhaps this isnt the right
>>        way to
>>        select that I want -main only?
>>        -Matt
>>    Hi,
>>    cd /usr/ports/www/php5/
>>    make show=FLAVORS
>>    env FLAVOR=mysql make package
>>    Hope this helps,
>>    Vijay
>>    --    Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
>>    ForeTell Technologies Limited
>>    59 Flamingo Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J 0X6
>>    Phone: (204) 885-9535, E-Mail: vsan...@foretell.ca
>>    <mailto:vsan...@foretell.ca>
> --
> Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
> ForeTell Technologies Limited
> 59 Flamingo Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J 0X6
> Phone: (204) 885-9535, E-Mail: vsan...@foretell.ca

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