On 2009/10/03 13:30, Buzzer wrote:
> ?? ?????? ?????????????? ?? 22-Sep-2009 00:58, Antoine Jacoutot
> ??? ??????? ? ?????, ?? ??????? 2009_read, ? ????? ??????????:
> > > > ...while you have py-gtk2 compiled for python 2.5.
> > > 
> > > What is your solution?
> > 
> > Make a link from /usr/local/bin/python2.5 to /usr/local/bin/python
> Do you to be aware that some other port previously installed may
> require python 2.6? Should I then relink python, depending on what I'm
> wanna to run right now!?

Ports should not rely on the /usr/local/bin/python link at all,
they should always edit scripts in-place to use the correct python
binary for whatever MODPY_VERSION was set to when the port was built.

This happens automatically for setuptools-based ports. Other
ports need to handle it themselves (or provide basic setuptools
infrastructure, there are a few examples in-tree e.g. ntlmaps).

If you notice something in ports which still needs the symlink
then mention it here or, better still, send diff.

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