Paul de Weerd a écrit :
On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 06:54:37AM -0700, James Crutchfield wrote:
| Oh, Paul - don't be so overly dramatic. Regardless of your or anyone else's
| opinion of the intelligence behind a question, you can't insult a man five
| times in the same thread and expect that he won't become defensive. You're
| too smart to ignore the reaction of all creatures, including people, when
| backed into a corner. It's our very nature.

Overly dramatic ? Hmm. I consider threatening with violence to be
overly stupid. And I wouldn't call breaking a nose "defensive".

Sure, I'm not too worried that anyone on this list is going to come by
my house and punch me in the face. I was trying to point out the
stupidity of threatening with violence when someone says something you
don't like.
For some people I would go through the pain of going to their house and
punch them in the face or stab them with a fork, given this project was
followed by volunteers ;-)


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