Please stop this silliness, what are You 5?
| i am talking about years of insultings by theo.  please consult
| the archives + i have my private collection.

Very nice for you. So you stick around for the insults ?
no, not really.  i dont judge a product by the social behaviour of its
leader.  very few people would be using openbsd otherwise.  it's not my
fault theo can't ignore mails he thinks stupid.  he could do it just as
well as the others and save a lot of trouble and bad image.  but that's
too easy, isn't it?  i guess he needs to blow some steam so he calls
people names cause he can hide behind the internetz
| it is him who is resolving to name callings if someone
| writes something he doesnt like.

Who gives a shit ? Some dude on the internet calls you an idiot, so
what ? I just told you you suck because you said something I don't
like. If you can't stand the heat, get your ass out the kitchen.

yes Paul, you are a nobody on the internet, i agree.
and i coudln't care less what you say about me in the public.

on the other hand, perhaps you feel warm and fuzzy when the leader of
your favourite project (and not just some dude on the internet really)
calls you names in front of the whole community again and again.
i, personally, am not in favour of tarnishing my name this way.  i am
making considerable effort to be on good terms with the project members
and have no beef to grind with them whatsoever.  i am not a person
looking for fights, consult the archives.

and please spare me the "because you deserved it probably" shit,
because the other devs rarely join in on his escapades and try
to hold a civil face (thank you all, you know who you are).
so it is proven to be possible to stay civilised.

| in my country if you call people names (even if warranted,
| whatever that means in this case), you better be prepared
| that some might pick up the gauntlet and kick your ass.

And what country would that be ? Moronia ? The country of "We fight
because we're bunch of idiots" ?

if you call a big guy in the bar an idiot you better run and hide
or live with the consequences.  if someone calls your girlfriend
a fat bitch into your face, i imagine you just whistle and pretend
nothing's happened, right? thought so Paul, thought so.  carry on.

one day someone will sue theo for libel and then he will ask
for donations for a lawyer.

of course i never thought theo a man who would stand up to another man
and put his fist where his mouth is -- and i dont mean punching himself..
he's damn lucky duels are illegal nowadays.


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