On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Marc Espie wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:26:42PM -0600, Marco Peereboom wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 07:00:08PM +0100, Marc Espie wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 06:43:02PM +0100, frantisek holop wrote:
on the internet, you are never alone ;]
Yeah, but Paul is our resident gypsy, so we routinely ignore him (and doubly
so if we're rude frogs)
I am on Paul's side here. So the evil capitalists are also against rude
frogging one's eyes too.
You're probably one of those guys who either:
- uses <10 packages
- has a killer-fast connection to the nearest mirror.
Everybody else out there is very happy to know that they still have
190 packages to go through when doing an update that last for 3 hours.
Think about it.
If you don't like it, use -x, all the progress messages should go away.
Hi, I got 306 packages on my desktop and a crappy 8Mbps adsl, so
I like the new "n to go". I can see some kind of estimate of the time
left. However I kind of agree with the other side too, it could be
more accurate if that's technically possible and don't make things
slower than they are now.
Then I'm going to hijack this thread a little: have others seen ftp
hangings recently with the new pkg_add? It always hangs where it finds new
candidates, never when downloading or actually installing them. When
I do pkill ftp it continues, usually without an error. I'm thinking
it's either a problem with the adsl modem I recently got, or pkg_add.
i...@kameli:~$ sudo pkg_add -ui
Not updating .libs*, remember to clean them
Looking for packages|No need to update a2ps-4.14p1-a4 (300 to go)
Antti Harri