hmm, on Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 04:36:16PM -0600, Marco Peereboom said that
> Speaking of the reason why pkg_add -ui is annoying.  It takes hours to
> update all my packages and when I get to my laptop in the morning it
> sits there waiting for me to answer y.  Repeat like 10 times.

i am sure there is a keyword for this with -F, but i never
understood the documentation very much there, and my repeated
pleas for either examples or rephrasing went unheard.

> > 190 packages to go through when doing an update that last for 3 hours.
> > Think about it.
> I like to know it but it is inaccurate.

it's not just inaccurate, or an estimate, but as i said before,
as all the packages have different sizes, different dependencies,
it is a useless metric timewise. (190 to go) could mean 3h
or 30m.  i am _not_ saying it should go away, i am merely
suggesting it could find a new home on a higher verbose level.

> > If you don't like it, use -x, all the progress messages should go away.

i am fine with the basic progress bar.  i could also use > /dev/null
to make everything go away.  i'd just like a very simple, very spartan
ftp-like progress bar.  is there an option for that?

don't eat yellow snow.

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