On 2010/04/25 00:45, Antti Harri wrote:
> There used to be some problems with large packages
> and FTP sites. Maybe some of the devs could say
> if this still is relevant or not. The symptoms
> sound the same at least to me.
> Anyway you will most likely get far better throughput if you use
> http, try http://ftp.fr.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/i386/
> instead.

the ftp problems are only when going through ftp-proxy(8) which
mangles the SYNCH sequence needed to interrupt transfers. if you can
avoid ftp-proxy then ftp should a similar speed to http.

frantisek, some -vvv on the pkg_add line might help throw light
on it, also send it a siginfo (often done with ^T depending on your
shell setup) and see if that either unfreezes it, or gives you more
information. or ktrace perhaps.

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