> > you're in CC of this mail because you sent the "unbreak pciutils" mail
> > to this list, and the failure mode is related.
> > http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=126918139214769
> Hmmm... So why is PCIOCWRITE failing, even when securelevel is 0 and 
> allowaperture=2...
> I don't know this area at all well, but this looks worth investigating
> /sys/dev/pci/pci.c
>         case PCIOCWRITE:
>                 io = (struct pci_io *)data;
>                 switch (io->pi_width) {
>                 case 4:
>                         /* Make sure the register is properly aligned */
>                         if (io->pi_reg & 0x3)
>                                 return EINVAL;
>                         pci_conf_write(pc, tag, io->pi_reg, io->pi_data);
>                         error = 0;
>                         break;
>                 default:
>                         error = ENODEV;
>                         break;
>                 }
>                 break;
> > Thanks, looks good. One small comment about installation in sbin,
> > though. flashrom can also work with programmers attached to serial ports
> > and USB, and those might work even for non-root users if appropriate
> > permissions are set (well, under most Unix-like OS, but OpenBSD might be
> > different). Due to that, some people think installing in bin instead of
> > sbin makes more sense.
> I don't think the location is a problem..
> > Stuart, does the pcilib abort happen on i386 and amd64?
> I don't have an i386 box handy to try at the moment.

The aperture is for X.  Only one use at a time is permitted.

Re-using the aperture like this is a mistake.  In time, if the X
server support for kernel mode setting, the aperture will largely go
away, or at least have the hole shrunk.

Again -- reusing the aperture for this is a mistake.  Sorry.  What
X does on PC's is totally wrong, and more things don't need to make
the same mistake.

> As an aside, anyone know why securelevel gets set to 1 after
> booting (despite the setting in rc.securelevel)?

To protect the machine.

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