On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Alexandre Ratchov <a...@caoua.org> wrote:
> I don't use mpd but i'm interested in understanding such bugs. I
> quickly tried the following on my x40 (having auich). First, installed
> mpd and mpc packages, and changed the ``music_directory'' line of the
> default /etc/mpd.conf. Then I typed:
>        sudo aucat -dddd
>        sudo mpd
> then:
>        mpc add /
>        mpc play
> no skipping so far. Then I killed aucat and mpd and forced aucat to
> run at 48kHz, as it would on a 48kHz-only device:
>        sudo aucat -dddd -r 48000
>        sudo mpd play
> no skipping either. Any hints on how to trigger mpd to skip?

Try launching firefox.
When I browse the web with firefox while listening to some tunes using
mpd, the audio is a mess. MPD skips a lot and the sound is crackling,
especially when opening multiple tabs... This doesn't happen when I
use mplayer+vitunes


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