Alexandr Shadchin <> wrote:

> Try this. Unpack in ports/math

Apparently somebody doesn't know how to apply diff properly(: The above 
port works like a charm on i386 snapshot of 6th of October.

I put the port in

and I put the binary packages in

Actually with all dependencies installed compiling of FreeMat last less
than 30 minutes on the failry slow P4. I will be running quite a bit
m-code next couple of days on it so I will report problems. I will also 
try to compile FreeMat in next couple of days on sparc64.

Alexandr, thank you so much for your work!


P.S. For people who are curious about FreeMat 4.0 on 4.8 release this is
the output

# pkg_add freemat-4.0.tgz
Can't install freemat-4.0 because of libraries
|library X11.14.0 not found
| /usr/X11R6/lib/ (system): bad major
|library c.57.0 not found
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
|library ncurses.12.0 not found
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
Direct dependencies for freemat-4.0 resolve to: amd-2.2.0p2 pcre-8.02p1
fftw3-3.2.2 fftw3-float-3.2.2 portaudio-svn-1406p1 umfpack-5.1.0p3
Full dependency tree is amd-2.2.0p2 libxml-2.7.6 pcre-8.02p1
tremor-20080326 gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.30p0 png-1.2.44 tiff-3.9.4
glib2-2.24.1p2 fftw3-common-3.2.2 fftw3-3.2.2 jpeg-8b libgamin-0.1.10p3
libmng-1.0.10 orc-0.4.6 pango-1.28.1 libiconv-1.13p1 cairo-1.8.10p0
fftw3-float-3.2.2 sqlite3-3.6.23p0 portaudio-svn-1406p1 libogg-1.2.0
glitz-0.5.6p2 libtheora-1.1.1p0 lcms-1.18a libvorbis-1.3.1
gettext-0.18.1 umfpack-5.1.0p3 gstreamer-0.10.30p0 qt4-4.6.3p2

Apparently it will take some backporting to get things working. It is
not worty since FreeMat is so complex that it needs much more testing on
4.8 current.

> -- 
> Alexandr Shadchin

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